Monday, April 4, 2011

Lovers' Cup 2011

We Won!  We Won!  WE WON!  We won the C Division...the good news!  The bad news...we are now B players.  We think this was the 5th time we have played in this tournament in this division...just working our way up...year by year by year by year by year.  It was March 19 and 20, 2011, the 11th anniversary of the Lovers' Cup Tennis Tournament here at Lake Como on the most beautiful clay courts, a dream brought to reality by Steph and Mike.

It really could have gone either way.  On any day that we have played EJ and Ken, either side could have won.  In fact, they had beat us in our previous two meetings.  I don't know what happened.  It was so nice to have an official, Kim, keep track of the score.  I did not have to remember it.  We won 6-4, 7-5; that's all I know.

Congratulations to Bonnie and Fred who won the B Division, and to Libby and Carl who won the A Division.

We have been in Florida for just over a month now.  It has been a great time with friends we don't see very often and friends from California.  It is about time to say goodbye, but I just had to spread the news about our accomplishment...such that it is.


  1. I don't know much about tennis, but that is a really neat arrangement you did with the gear for the photo shoot. I think you are kind of excited here so I'll say Congratulations!

  2. Yipeeeeee! and how are the elbows doing? I love the two hats together with rackets too. Boy do I admire you guys!
