Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Orleans This Time

Jim and I figured out that we have driven from Tampa, Florida to Santa Cruz, California at least eight times.  Only once have we driven the reverse.  During more than half of those trips, we have been fortunate enough to stop and spend some time in New Orleans, which has become our second favorite city. This is some of what we saw this time.

Jackson Square from the Mississippi side is dominated by the St. Louis Cathedral.  There are many horse drawn carriages for hire.  The statue of Andrew Jackson is the focal point of the predominately pedestrian area.

There is always a lot of art to view as we wander around the city.

Our favorite music venue, The Spotted Cat, was undergoing outside renovation, but it was still open to catch the music.  We even got to see our favorite group, The Smoking Time Jazz Club, and new wall art.

1 comment:

  1. "No drinks or drunks on the pianee"...funny.
