Sunday, January 6, 2019

Curiosities and Oddities of Southern Namibia

After leaving Sossusvlei, we continued south towards South Africa.  La Mirage Resort and Spa was the first oddity in the middle of nowhere.


Land formations were a continuous curious lot.

Seemingly unending vast open landscapes characterized our drive again today.

Once in a while we saw animals...zebra, giraffe, ostrich, gemsbok, or impala...very far away, yet visible with my camera's zoom feature, making everything appear a bit surreal.

Suddenly something resembling civilization appeared.  This spot had a motel and a gas station along with the beautiful rock wall and the odd lone hood and fender portion of a car.

Many commanding land vistas caught our attention.

How did that rock get there?

We could not figure out where these boys had come from or where they were going in their horse-drawn cart.  No house was visible in any direction.

Having driven since the dunes, we stopped for the night in Helmeringshausen, a tiny town with a huge name.  We found a lovely garden oasis including the odd tub.

The boys quickly set up our nests for the night.

Exactly next to us was a walking path up a hill for views of the area.

After a 15 minute uphill jaunt, there were chairs where we could sit and look back from where we had come while sipping some wine.  It was too soon for the sunset, but these rays were beautiful.

Looking back towards our campsite, the land was flat for miles and miles.

Finally the sun began to draw in the night.

The next day was similar to the day before with more curiosities and oddities.

I don't think this curious sign would appear in California or Florida.

But I did not expect this curious ostrich either.

Another odd sign at least had a recognizable drawing for us to be forewarned of a potential hazard ahead.

I wonder if this odd car goes with the odd hood and fender that we saw yesterday?  They were many miles apart.  Hmm...curious and curiouser.

An odd rest stop in the middle of nowhere was on the way to Fish River Canyon.

I was surprised to see a license plate from the county where we have a mobile home in Florida.

How about that CAMEL TROPHY plate from Mongolia?

A plate from California does not have any tags on it.

Namibia must be popular with Floridians.

According to the boys, this odd spot had great hamburgers along with the old vehicles, old signs, and other old memorabilia.

Is a Chevrolet Apache an odd car?  It certainly is a beauty.


Next stop...Fish River Canyon.

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