Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Happy Tortoise Day to Me

Galapagos Tortoises are HUGE! Jim is allowed to get within two meters of any tortoise.  It is a drippy day up in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island at Rancho Premecis, a private reserve of tortoises. Boots are even supplied so we are able to traipse anywhere on the property.

Such gentle giants.

But once up on those legs, can they move along.

It seems tortoises love mud.

Can you have too many photos of tortoises?

This rain forest provides water for the tortoises.  They eat the greens, but really relish opuntia, a type of cactus that reminds me of nopales, with huge paddles.  The cactus grows in the arid parts of the islands, so the Galapagos Tortoises have to trek many miles periodically to get food then to get water.

And before we left...

Tortoise Day to be continued....

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