Saturday, February 4, 2017

Animal Market of Otavalo

Otavalo often has four markets on Saturday...animal, food, Indian or craft, and potato.  I loved the animal market.  Cows, pigs, a horse, goats, sheep, roosters, chickens and chicks, ducks, bunnies, guinea pigs, a kitten, and a puppy were for sale.

The owner of our hotel had encouraged us to go to the animal market because there were over 65 farmers bringing in their garden produce to sell as well as animals.  The varieties and colors of the produce were amazing.


Squash, avocados, early peaches

Fava beans, cranberry beans, blackberries

A fruit for juice

Leeks were everywhere.

Tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, carrots, limes

Carrots, red onions, parsley, fingerling potatoes

Mango, papaya, pineapple

Pineapple, mango

Limes, carrots


And then there is all the prepared food, such as liver and fresh scallions.

Platanos or grilled banana, like a potato almost.

Boiled eggs

Fresh squeezed orange juice

Bagged herbs


Grilled corn

Fried fish

Fresh bread

Choclo or cooked hominy

Finally there are things for sale that you might need, like food for your animals.



More jewelry and wool shoes for the cooler weather

Plastic kitchenware



Wooden kitchen utensils


Was that not fun?  I guess it is the farmer in me that draws me to this animal market.

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