Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Impressions

WE'RE HERE after all the usual traveler hassles of actually arriving somewhere.  Here is an indiscriminate list of first impressions:  Paris:  Girls in white cotton dresses with black belts;  skinny women;  women in heels or flats, no hiking or tennis shoes;  tiny girls in little dresses playing in the park;  bistros with sidewalk tables full of people;  91 degrees of heat.  Madrid:  Kathy, Austin, and Jim in great spirits;  the apartment is wonderful:  the windows of the balcony are covered in drapes that reach from ceiling to floor...10 feet;  pizza and cold 30 cent beer; lots and lots of people out on the street watching buskers at 10:30 pm with the heat hovering about 80 degrees;  we all conk out immediately upon hitting the horizontal position and the pillows. Good Night!


  1. Thanks for taking the time to write. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed reading this. I just gobbled it up. I have to challenge you though, want to look up buskers. lol. "a roaming entertainer" Cool!

  2. We were not out late enough to see more than this one guy. He had more than 100 people gathered to watch his antics, lead them in clapping, and try to gather some euros.

  3. Can't wait to hear you tell me more about Pairs! Pretty cute little women. Did Jim notice?
